La Fontaine's 2024 Key Stage 2 SATs results released

Since the SATs re-started after Covid, and after all of our work on the curriculum, end of Key Stage 2 SATs outcomes have been strong at La Fontaine: the combined (reading, writing and maths) score in 2022 was 86%, and in 2023 was 92% (putting us in the top 1% of schools in the country). We are thrilled that this trend has continued for a third year:

  La Fontaine Academy National Average Variance from national average
Reading 95% (60% GDS) 74% +21%
Writing 93% (25% GDS) 72% +21%
Maths 95% (63% GDS) 73% +22%
Grammar, punctuation & spelling 93% (68% GDS) 72% +21%


(reading, writing & maths)

93% (23% GDS) 61% +32%

This is another incredibly strong set of data: we are over 20% higher than national average in every category (over 30% for combined); the greater depth (GDS) results are fantastic, as they clearly demonstrate that we are offering an opportunity for children to deepen their knowledge beyond the expectations of the national curriculum.

Huge congratulations and thanks go to the Year 6 teachers, children and families for all of their hard work and commitment. The Year 6 SATs test the children on what they have learnt all through their time in primary, so this is once again a whole team effort and has shown that we are building on strong foundations from throughout their time with us, so thank you to the whole La Fontaine team!