"This is a friendly and inspiring place to learn where all pupils have the same opportunities to succeed. Pupils and staff are proud of their school."
"Pupils are enthusiastic about their learning. Teaching staff are skilled and use consistent approaches to support pupils with their learning."
"The school has high expectations for pupils in all areas of their learning. Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary. They show mature attitudes towards their studies. Pupils understand their responsibility to behave with kindness and respect. They are kept safe and feel safe in school."
"There is a clear and consistent approach to promoting pupils’ positive behaviour. This supports the development of high-quality relationships. Pupils know that staff care about their well-being. As a result, the school is a calm and happy place where learning is the priority. Pupils enjoy school, and their attendance rates are high."
"One member of staff summed up the view of many colleagues, ‘It’s the best school I’ve ever worked in.’"
- Ofsted, June 2024
View the full La Fontaine Academy Ofsted Report here